Loren Yagoda... Artist
My latest paintings in stunning spaces by visionary architects and designers. Grateful to see my work enhancing these beautiful homes and iconic commercial interiors.
A sampling of my paintings in rooms created by talented architects and designers. Immensely grateful to be included in their stunning homes and iconic commercial spaces.
Photography: JEFF ZARUBA
At times Loren paints with spirit and enthusiasm. Loren’s strong thick lines create compositions filled with action and expression.
Vigor…liveliness…passion… spirit… strength… spunk… vitality… zeal… intensity… gusto… dance… This may be a description of Loren’s art, but her persona is the opposite. She is calm, quiet and soft spoken as seen in her other series.
Loren’s art has always been influenced by her love of texture and neutral colors drawn from nature. From Loren’s sculptures to her paintings, she has had a strong 3 - dimensional aesthetic. Her paint is thick and reapplied several times to create an illusion of fabric. Loren attributes her being a seasoned artist with the knowledge of when not to stop.
Her new series reaches back in time to her Textural Existence series. Loren combines her many passions into one style of simple line compositions embellished with textures. She equates her process to a walk in the forest of fiber.
Loren’s Architectonic series is influenced by her love of architecture and nature. They resemble a site plan or a layout with a blank canvas to fill. She has taken her bold black brush strokes and softened them into pale off-white set into a linen colored background. At other times they are crisp and graphic.
Unlike an architectural drawing of the bone structure of a home, Loren has captured the spirit and soul of those living or working within the space.
Often we are told to breathe. Meditate, they say when our lives are overrun with too many tasks all due at once. We go to a quiet place, ready to imitate the pros, assume the position, and begin to disappear into peaceful bliss. That is what we see in the movies, but reality is quite different. We close our eyes and breathe.
But in bold letters across our closed eyes are thoughts and images of errands, calls, and other distractions. This is why the artist paints her calm, quiet, meditative paintings. They offer a silent place to set our eyes so we can have a moment of absence of thought. There is not subject matter to define or bold colors to stimulate, but instead a quiet, mathematical silence.
Loren’s methodical choice of shapes, textures ands stripes are at times combined to become the culmination of her paintings styles. She reworks each canvas until she is satisfied, putting time, logic, character and care into each piece she creates
Color Studies Series
Adventures in color have always been exhilarating experiences.
Yes, my palette is limited, but my viewer will enjoy the nuances of shades that emerge as new combinations add a richness to my images.
60 x 51
Stripes are a reoccurring theme in Loren’s work. They appear in most everything she does. Yagoda relaxes into a meditative state of drawing lines. Sometimes deep into measuring heaven, while at other times she goes into an intuitive state. Her stripes range from crisp, precise lines to loose, free-form blends as do her shapes.
My ode to organic shapes. Most often there are two images which become one. The challenge begins with drawings of combinations, followed by interlocking positive and negative colors and filled with layers of texture and shading. They offer a calming flow.